ELDOA roughly translates from French to English as, ” Osteoarticular Decoaptation with Load” or “exercise in the extreme range”. Developed by Guy VOYER DO over 30 years ago, the ELDOA…
Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States which is odd because most forms of it are preventable. It is odd in that either…
Here is a pretty definitive list of foods and how they impact blood sugar. Click here to see: http://www.mendosa.com/gilists.htm
Everyone at some point is challenged by TIME- In a business model two key components that determine whether or not your business model will work are 1. Square footage of…
The vertebral segment T12-L1 exhibits similar movement to the lumbar spine vertebrae and the lumbar segment L1-2 exhibits movements similar to thoracic vertebrae.
Following a game or competition, regardless of the outcome, is the most difficult time to get a person to take the time to re-organize their body but it is the…
The following story is a classic example of how the pelvis dictates the biomechanics of the shoulder girdle. The problem with this story is that the cause of the repeated…
The article below includes some interesting statements from people other than orthopedic surgeons and big league General Managers. In fact, you will find some descent information that discusses biomechanics. One…
Is the nucleus propulsis from the same tissue as the annulus fibrosis histologically?