October at Legacy Sport & Wellness is busy with clients in town for Wellness Immersion and Sports Performance Rehabilitation.
In Exercise News, we have added an ELDOA Specific Workout on Oct. 26th.
The Education Center is open for students to come in and study or practice and enrollment for Fall School in November is open.
The weather turns cooler this month making Dry Sauna even more enjoyable.
Schedule a Sauna and purchase a case of water at last months prices.
We are in the process of designing a Wellness Community Card that will offer savings on items in our store and select programs we offer at Legacy Sport & Wellness Center.
Coming in October, a new section in the Newsletter: Scott will discuss a topic specific to the human body: chronic pain, wellness, or sports performance.
Legacy News
Legacy Events Calendar: Exercise & Training Information: October – November
October 26:
9:30 am ELDOA Classic Group Workout
10:30 am ELDOA Specific Pelvis (SI Joint & Hip)
Both Workouts will be Zoomed!
Live Stream10:30-1:30 Open Sauna
November 2
9:00 am Digestion Workout
9:30 am ELDOA Classic Group Workout
November 23: Fall School
Register for Class

Wellness News
This Weekend Wellness Series is ELDOA Classic (at 9:30 am) followed by ELDOA Specific (SI Joint and Pelvis from 10:30 to 11:00 am) Open Sauna is available from 10:30 to 1:30.
ELDOA Classic is a 60-minute group session. The class includes the most frequently used ELDOA postures in conjunction with awareness exercises and a little myo-fascial stretching (MFS).
The ELDOA Specific workout will target the SI Joint and Hip joints of the pelvis.
Bundle these two workouts or make a morning of it and combine the two sessions with Open Sauna until 1:30 pm.
The month of October is busy with new and returning clients in for multi-day Immersion Sessions at the Center. This week Student Practitioners and Wellness Immersion clients took advantage of the services that Legacy has to offer. Each Wellness Immersion is customized to meet the needs of each person. This week the most requested services from our Immersion Catalog included fresh beef and chicken broth provided by the Butcher’s Box, fresh Kombucha for beneficial bacteria and the use of Legacy’s Dry Sauna and outdoor Recovery area…lots of sauna use this week.
You don’t have to be a client from out of town to take advantage of our Wellness Immersion services. Pick up a flyer on Saturday morning and schedule your own half or multi-day Wellness Immersion.
The Legacy Wellness Workout Series offered most weekends is a combination of several types of different trainings designed to improve each person’s wellness. The Recovery Center is open after these workouts and the Open Sauna
For optimal results, combine the Wellness Workout Series with a customized Home Program.

Cardiac Center News
If you are new to our community, or have not visited our Center in Dallas, we have an area in our gym dedicated to Cardiovascular Health and Training. Clients use the area for a proper warm-up to their private sessions and group workouts. On the white board in the Cardiac Center there are several different workouts clients can choose to do. Each workout targets a different part of the cardiovascular system. The Cardiac Center is used for aerobic training programs and testing, too.
Most people think of VO2 Max in the context of sports performance, but the research shows that it is a strong indicator of wellness, and the capacity to fight disease. In the Cardio section below, we provided a small chart about VO2 Max and this Fall, John Sandstrom and Scott plan to introduce a new program for regular and out of town clients in which to participate. The program includes steady state cardio training, integral training, small semi-private training sessions, a customized cardiovascular training program based upon VO2 Max testing results, and more.
Sports & Performance News
Solomon Thomas, #94 for the New York Jets, is spearheading the NLFs mental health push.
Solomon Thomas on Mental HealthLifestyle & Recovery Center
The Sauna Certification Course is always well received. There is so much to know about sauna and taking the course or our Client Workshop enhances the benefits received from a sauna program. Legacy’s next Client Workshop will be in the Fall. Another Certification Course will be taught during Fall School on November 24th after the Strapping Certification Course ends.
Registration is open for Fall School:
Fall School
The Dallas weather is perfect for Recovery (after your sauna) outdoors or inside on our Zero-Gravity chairs!
Topics of discussion include the importance of sweating, what is the optimal time for a single sauna session, what is the optimal temperature to use in a Dry Sauna, how to use cold water exposure by itself, or in combination with the dry sauna, and the importance of drinking water.

As part of the Course Theory, all the participants complete the Ruffier (Pulse) Test. This simple test can be used in different aspects of a Wellness or Sports Performance Program including the length of time in a Sauna Session and exposure to cold water.
the Training Table News
the Training Table is where Wellness and Sports Performance begin!
We have configured part of the space in our Center for better display of the products we carry and for ease of shopping. Always ask for help or advice if you require more information on a product.
Every week, Mia brings a new batch of grass-fed, grass-finished bone broth as well as a new batch of Kombucha, flavored with herbs she planted along the Legacy drive. Grass finished meat is in our freezer – our prices haven’t increased due to the dock strike or the cost of fuel or the Hurricanes in Florida..
She is launching her website for packages of Meaties! For purchase at Legacy and now on line. $5.00 Meaties in the Training Table, but supply is limited. Website: eatmeaties.com
Mia’s Kombucha
Kombucha is a fermented tea drink thought to have many health benefits, including:
Antioxidants – can help protect the body from diseases and slow down aging
Gut Health – probiotics, amino acids, enzymes, and beneficial acids can support digestion
Immunity – minerals like vitamin C and B vitamins that can help boost immunity
Blood Sugar – can help regulate blood sugar levels, which can help manage diabetes and kidney disease
Inflammation – contains antioxidants and polyphenols that can help limit chronic inflammation
Weight Loss – probiotics and acetic acids that can help increase metabolism and promote fat loss
Antimicrobial – acetic acid and help kill microbes and fight bacteria, which can help prevent infections
Kombucha is often made with black tea but juice, spices, fruit, and other flavorings can also be added.
Purchase some during your next visit to Legacy!

The Legacy Butcher Box – Mia Fradenburg
474 Pounds of MEAT…All Loaded into the Freezer. Legacy plans on buying a Generator – just in case – Winter Is Coming!
Reach out if interested in ordering a Butcher Box or special cuts: barbellsandbrats@gmail.com
The Water Bar
Water is a big deal at Legacy. In fact, water is Nature’s First Medicine. Three pallets of water are in transit.
Buy water in bulk at the old pricing through this weekend. Prices will increase due to shipping costs doubling. We are working on a solution. One idea is a Water Club for those who buy in bulk. We have several clients who take advantage of this service. Once details are fleshed out, we will invite you to participate.

Education News

Client Education
Client Education will resume in September.
ELDOA Level 3 Certification: Pelvic Girdle, Scapula Girdle and Rib Cage: scheduled for early March 2025.
NEW IN THE STORE: Study at Home using our Homework questions from Scott’s Fellowship Program
Link: https://legacyperformwell.com/shop/product-category/professional-development/
Fall School
This session will begin November 21 and end on November 26. The curriculum includes Strengthening of the Abdominals and Thoracic Diaphragm Nov. 21-22, Introduction to Pelviology Workshop Nov. 22, Strapping Nov. 23-24, Sauna Certification Course Nov. 24, and SomaTherapy – Pumping of the Pelvis and Spine Nov 25-26. This includes Pumping of the Cervical Spine.
To Enroll for Fall School: https://legacyperformwell.com/shop/somatraining-★-texas/fall-school-2024/
Great news for 2025: Pelviology Certification Courses will be taught in Dallas at Legacy! Pelviology 1 begins February 5-8, 2025
We ask all ELDOA Practitioners – at any level -to visit the official ELDOA website – eldoavoyer.com – to make sure your contact information is accurate.
Your correct contact information is very important: so potential clients can find you and so you can receive important information from the Founder and Administrative Office in Dallas.
Check Your Status