ELDOA and Myofascial stretching exercises are not the same thing at all!
An ELDOA exercise, for example, uses the fascial chains to create space in a joint complex in the body (L5-S1 classic). A myofascial stretch uses the fascial chains to normalize the fascia in relation to the muscle, its links, and surrounding structures, which may or not may not include a joint. Keep in mind, the fascia “is a skin” that affects the shape of a muscle.
In either case, the way that a group or semi-private ELDOA or MFS class is organized and taught is not the same. At the Legacy Center we do not combine the two forms of exercise in one class; we have dedicated classes for each respectively- see the monthly calendar of events on the homepage. There are ways to use myofascial stretching as part of a group ELDOA class and vise versa. Additionally, each class has a different style of warm-up based upon the goal of the training session.
If you have interest in enrolling in future workshops hosted by Legacy Sport & Wellness Center contact us through the website- www.legacyperformwell.com .