February is American Heart Month. In last week’s Newsletter we shared an article about cholesterol and if taking statins is the right choice for you. We received feedback from a number of our community members, several of whom scheduled appointments with their physicians to discuss this matter in detail.
February 24, immediately following ELDOA Class Group Workout at 10:30 am, Legacy Sport & Wellness plans to host our first Lifestyle Tutorial for Clients. The topic is “The Benefits of a Cardiovascular Training Program and How to Begin”. This lecture is open to all our community members and there is no charge. To enroll, contact Claudia in the Business Office.
The Super Bowl Game was Sunday and Patrick Mahomes and the KANSAS CITY CHIEFS won their third title!
Solomon Thomas, #94 for the New York Jets, was nominated for the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award, and was one of several players featured in one of the Super Bowl ads produced by NFL Films during the game. Solomon’s Foundation is The Defensive Line. You can read more about Solomon and his Foundation in the Sports Performance News section of this Newsletter.
Saturday morning, February 17 at 9:00 am, Scott will teach a new exercise Tutorial for clients, followed by the ELDOA Classic Group Workout at 9:30 am. The exercise Tutorial is organized in three parts: 10 minutes of theory, 10 minutes of how to organize the technique, and 10 minutes of practice. The topic of this Tutorial is one of the most important exercises that everyone needs – ELDOA L5-S1. This Tutorial is open to our clients, members of our community and their guests. There is no fee.
Last Saturday, in place of the ELDOA Group Wellness Workout, there was a great turnout for OPEN GYM AND OPEN SAUNA.
We couldn’t have asked for better conditions for Dry Sauna and Cold Plunge training.

Legacy News
February – March Calendar: Exercise & Training Information:
February 17: 9:00 am Tutorial on L5-S1
February 17: ELDOA Classic Group Workout 9:30 am
Open Sauna: 10:30-11:30
Cold Plunge available Feb. 16 and 17
February 24: 9:00 am Circulatory Workout
February 24: ELDOA Classic Group Workout
9:30 am
February 24: 10:30-11:30 Lifestyle Tutorial: The Benefits of a Cardiovascular Training Program and How to Begin
No Fee
March 2: To be announced
March 9: To be announced
March 14: ELDOA Level 1 Certification Course
March 14: Open Gym, Open Sauna. 8:30-11:30
March 15-17: ELDOA Level 2 Certification Course
March 16: 9:00 am Early Start ELDOA Classic Group Workout
Open Gym & Open Sauna:
Mar. 14 8:30-12:00 noon
Mar. 15 6:30-8:30 pm
Mar. 16 8-12:00 noon &
6:30-8:30 pm
Mar. 17 8:30-1:30 &
4:30-7:00 pm
March 23: 9:30 am ELDOA Classic Group Workout
March 30: 9:30 am ELDOA Classic Group Workout
Link to Register for Workouts: https://legacyperformwell.com/
Purchase a Class Card and SAVE on Saturday Workouts. 5 and 10 Class Cards available.
For a description of the ELDOA Classic Group Workout and other types of sessions we offer at Legacy, see the link:
How does a Private ELDOA Session differ from the ELDOA CLASSIC Group Workout?
What is Open Gym and how is it different from a Drop In Gym Session? Legacy Sport & Wellness is a private facility with a Cardiovascular Center, Group Exercise Area, Dry Sauna and Recovery Program, and a fully equipped Gym. These services are reserved for our private clients who have a custom designed Home Program. An Open Gym Session is a specific block of time that we schedule throughout the month in which clients can come and take advantage of the services we have to offer. For example, many of our clients have experienced back pain at some point in their life and our Gym has several pieces of specific equipment to help them which are typically not found in most other facilities.
During Open Gym sessions, often times a workout is written on the white board for clients to follow and post workout myo-fascial stretching/ELDOA exercises are suggested. If necessary, clients are permitted to take shoes and socks off for specific exercises. All the participants who attend Legacy’s Open Gym or Drop In Gym Sessions respect our NO VIDEO policy. Open Gym Sessions are never over-crowded therefore our equipment is always available…no wait for the equipment.
If you have a Home Program, Sauna Card or a Group Class Card, you can drop in and workout in our Gym for $15.00.
Without a card, the fee is $25.00.

Wellness News
February 17 at 9:00 am, Scott will present an exercise Tutorial on the Classic ELDOA: L5-S1, and the TV L5 posture. There is no charge for this Tutorial and immediately following is the ELDOA Classic Wellness Group Workout at 9:30 am. Attendees of Saturday morning’s exercise Tutorial will receive a Tech Sheet about the exercise L5-S1 with several recommendations on when to use the exercise and how often. Immediately following the Group Workout, Open Sauna is scheduled from 10:30 to 1:30 and the Cold Plunge will be set up. To enroll for the 9:30 am workout, use this link:
Wellness Tip: At minimum, to begin a Cardiovascular Program, start with 20 to 30 minutes of continuous exercise. It’s best if you can do this five (5) days a week. Cardiovascular health, the importance of VO2 Max, the difference between aerobic and interval training, and how to organize and progress a Cardiovascular Program will be topics of discussion this month and in the exercise Tutorial Scott will offer later this month. It’s never too late to begin a Cardiovascular Program…but the cardiovascular system is one of the quickest to decline without regular use.
To learn more about Cardiovascular Health, VO2 Max, and how to begin a physical conditioning Program, we invite you to attend the Lifestyle Tutorial February 24 at 10:30 am.
Sports and Performance News
Sports Performance Tip: With golf season just around the corner, in this weeks Sports Performance News, Scott has two performance tips to share:
Tip number one – Golf Swing Speed Training Before beginning a specific club speed training program, be sure the ligaments of the pelvis and lumbar spine (low back) are strong and elastic! If you want to swing a club fast, first you need some abs – erectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, and erector muscles. At the same time, a golfer needs to be able to move the pelvis and lumbar spine dynamically through all ranges of motion. The golf swing is not static. Equally important, the connective tissue of the muscles and the ligaments that link these regions together need to be elastic. If they are stiff and rigid, as most are, compensation during the golf swing must occur and the weakest link pays.
The professional golfers who consult with Scott all agree on these principles and offer the following advice when it comes to improving club head speed…modify the speed training program to what your body can do. Don’t overdo it; you increase the risk of injury to your back or another body region.
Tip number two – All athletes benefit from Myo-fascial Stretching. Myo-fascial Stretching is a specific type of stretching organized by Guy VOYER, DO. VOYER has consulted for some of the top professional athletes in the world.
The goal of Myo-fascial Stretching is to improve the sliding between the tissues and to increase the space, both of which can lead to improved range of motion through the joints.
Solomon Thomas, #94 for the New York Jets, was featured in a Super Bowl advertisement created by the National Football League. This ad paid tribute to the Foundation he and his parents created upon the death of this older sister.
Lifestyle & Recovery Center

February 16 and 17 • Cold Plunge will be available
A Sauna Certification Course will be scheduled within the month of March. Enrollment is limited to eight (8) people: email Claudia directly at claudiadzelazny@gmail.com to sign up,
Topics of discussion include the importance of sweating, what is the optimal time for a single sauna session, what is the optimal temperature to use in a Dry Sauna, how to use cold water therapy by itself or in combination with dry sauna, and the importance of drinking water.
Education News
New Dates: Legacy is hosting ELDOA 1&2 Combination Certification Course. Date for Level 1 is March 14 and for Level 2 March 15-17.
ELDOA 1 is scheduled for Thursday, March 14 at 12:00 noon, and ELDOA 2 begins Friday morning, March 15 and runs through March 17.
To enroll only for Level 1, contact Claudia: legacyperformwell@gmail.com
Enrollment and Course Specifics: https://legacyperformwell.com/
ELDOA Level 4 Dallas: May dates to be announced
ELDOA Level 3 Dallas: June dates to be announced
The SomaTraining/Therapy schedule for 2024 will be announced soon. Courses are scheduled to begin in April. Email your course requests for 2024 to Claudia at claudiadzelazny@gmail.com
The 2024 Education calendar for SomaTraining, SomaTherapy, and the ELDOA is being finalized. Certification Courses are scheduled to begin in February, New for Scott’s Teaching Calendar: ELDOA Level 1&2 Combination, ELDOA Level 4 – Trainer Certification Practical (April-May dates to be announced), Sauna Certification Course, Cardiovascular and Conditioning Practical, ELDOA Level 3, Summer School Intensive, and ELDOA Level 4 in the fall of 2024.
Link: https://legacyperformwell.com/
Other SomaTherapy Courses are being finalized and will be added to Scott’s Teaching Calendar on the Legacy website soon.
Quiz: This week’s ELDOA question is two parts – first, why are the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles described as antagonistic-synergists?
Second – why did Guy VOYER organize the ELDOA?
If you are an Instructor Candidate looking to assist a course, contact Claudia in the Business Office to be put on the list.
We would like to host a combination of ELDOA Level 1 (in the one-day format) combined with an Introduction to Myo-fascial Stretching in 2024.
We ask all ELDOA Practitioners – at any level -to visit the official ELDOA website – eldoavoyer.com – to make sure your contact information is accurate.
This was posted on our Instagram account and we have heard from several Student Practitioners. Thanks!
The way Legacy has our School set up in Dallas allows for Students to travel from all parts of the country for training and continuing education, while at the same time creating the opportunity to invest some of their personal time in their self-care using our Gym and Lifestyle-Recovery Center. We believe that this one-two combination can’t be beaten and we invite you to enroll in a course with us in 2024.
Client Education News
A client Exercise Tutorial, February 17 at 9:00 am: the benefit of the L5-S1 ELDOA and TV L5.
Lifestyle Tutorial: February 24 at 10:30 am
The benefits of a Cardiovascular Training Program and How to Begin
If you are from out of town, but would like to participate in our wellness educational series, consider scheduling a Wellness Immersion in Dallas and combine it with an educational workshop while you are here.
Coming Soon: The Professional Development Series: live workshops, homework lessons, and remote learning for Student Practitioners enrolled in the SomaTraining, SomaTherapy, and/or ELDOA Comprehensive Program..
For more information, contact Claudia in the Business Office.
If you missed any Legacy Newsletters, they are posted on Legacy’s website under the tab ‘Legacy News’.