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Ellen Hedges

Ellen Hedges Bonn MarathonThis Sunday I will be running the 9.9k leg of the Bonn Marathon.
Yes from the woman who said she would only run if someone was chasing her. So in advance I like to thank the many who got me here Erin & Edith …yes we can do the 5k in the tri a year ago, Edith’s continued coaching and running club, Jane for organizing teams, all my running partners over the months…my team mates Joan, Viki, Kate…Hamish, Scott Herrera & Peter Bodi for keeping me in aligment and my Eldoa…and Shona Hughes London marathon maven for inspiration.

Scott and Claudia at Legacy,  I so Believe in what you guys do and teach no way I could have even attempted this without you. Anyone in pain should come to you before any thing else . It took me years to find you and I can say I am more fit and less pain in my 50s than in my 20s and I have always been an fit athletic person.
