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Bil Cobb

I’ve known Scott Herrera for over 10 years now when I began working as a personal trainer at Performance Playground in Uptown around 2003. He truly opened my eyes to how training could and should be used to positively influence a person’s lifestyle. 

As he continued to evolve his practice and expertise, it dovetailed into my own personal growth – both as a personal trainer and human being. I learned how to train myself properly and how important proper nutrition was to function at my best daily. As a result, I was introduced to such knowledgeable people such as Paul Chek and Guy Voyer who are true pioneers who strive for a holistic approach to health, fitness and overall wellness. I’ve been a believer in him for such a long time and was so very happy he started his own practice a short time later.

When he launched Legacy Performance and Integrated Wellness Center I was introduced to Claudia Zelazny as was amazed at her passion for wellness and health.

I started attending ELDOA classes a few years ago, but at the time was not a regular devotee due to travel demands and timing.

However, in January of 2014, I was in pretty bad shape. I had neglected my nutritional principles and my workouts for far too long and it was starting to catch up with me. I spent the new year in bed in agonizing pain, where I could hardly stand up straight.

I came to Claudia in mid-January of 2014 and she performed a full evaluation of my movement and back. We started on a regular routine of practice and I began attending her ELDOA classes more frequently as well as some one-on-one sessions with her.

Wow! What an amazing turnaround.

My back started feeling so much better. My strength and posture improved dramatically and I was able to counteract and counterbalance the long hours of sitting at a computer all day long.

She was able to keep me focused and encouraged throughout the process and held me accountable to ensure that I kept the momentum going.

I’ve recently learned that I have a torn meniscus in my right knee. I am trying my best to avoid surgery and she has done an amazing job of showing me exercises that have improved my proprioception and knee strength to ease a lot of the pain. 

I am so very thankful for her patience, encouragement and flexibility in her training methods and look forward to working with her for years to come.

Many thanks.


