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Raise Your Vibration! Give Thanks.

By November 25, 2015November 30th, 2015Claudia's Corner

Bellemy 6Gratitude.

Cliche perhaps, but life has shown me that there is hardly any better way to calm my mind, center my heart, and raise my personal vibration than ticking off all the things for which I am grateful.

Like everyone, I have known sadness. I’ve lost family I loved and friends I adored. I’ve been lonely, felt abandoned, been scared, and felt hopeless. Occasionally, I have been adrift, not knowing what came next or how I would survive.

Yet, I think I am the luckiest woman on earth.

Everything I need, I have. I have learned to live with less while feeling I have more. I have been humbled, but found that losing some ego is a road to loving more fully. I have a delightful little roof over my head. My food is clean and nutritious. When I look out into my yard, the peace and joy I feel cannot be described. My friends are a source of laughter and comfort. The women in my life span all ages, interests, and occupations. They are creative and loving. I am fortunate to have mentors who are freaking savants! I have become more in tune with my sensuality as I have aged. It’s a blessing to have a wonderful place to go for work every day, a place I co-created.

I have learned that no matter what is going on in my life – fabulous or not – there is always something for which I can be grateful. I know that is true for you as well. Make your list. Experience how your life changes. Giving thanks triggers a chemical response in the brain; yes, it’s scientific…and a shift happens. Every morning, every night, take a brief moment to give thanks. Your list of wonderfulness will multiply in ways you couldn’t think possible! And isn’t that something to be grateful for in advance.

On this national day of thanksgiving, I wish you health and happiness and a vibration out of this world.

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