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Legacy’s Wellness Program is Not About Your Credit Score

By October 9, 2013December 9th, 2014Legacy Sport & Wellness Blog

The government shutdown continues… healthcare reform is the reason why.

The link to the article-video below discusses how credit score is part of the enrollment process for the new healthcare reform act- REALLY?

Legacy Sport & Wellness Center created the Optimal Wellness Program. We feel this wellness program is more effective than the one that is at the root of all the current debate in Congress, and Legacy’s Optimal Wellness Program works!

The program is set up as a monthly program designed to educate the client/patient and give them the necessary tools to implement the principles we teach into their lives to make permanent change, and  take responsibilities for their own healthcare.

Our program is based upon science and clinical experience, and we work from a solution-based mindset. That means that we do not believe that there is a problem that exists without a solution. Clients who enroll in the program attend monthly group classes in addition to meeting with a coach… and quality exercise is part of the program.

To learn more about our program contact the Legacy Sport & Wellness Center in Dallas through our website:

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