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By June 27, 2013December 9th, 2014Legacy Sport & Wellness Blog

ELDOA roughly translates from French to English as, ” Osteoarticular Decoaptation with Load” or “exercise in the extreme range”. Developed by Guy VOYER DO over 30 years ago, the ELDOA when used correctly and with precision, help to create space and re-organize the body via the fascial chains. During normal evolution fascia is subject to change-  thickening, shortening, calcifying or degenerating which can be painful at times. Fascial suffering is aggravated by anything that increases tension and its retraction. Tension of the fasciae can be aggravated as the result of pressure created by an underlying mass.

At the Legacy Sport & Wellness Center in Dallas, Tx. we organized the first facility in the United States that respects the work of VOYER in the form of an organized exercise program where “quality exercise” is emphasized first, in conjunction with building a base or foundation. To learn more about the ELDOA or Legacy Sport & Wellness Center’s programs visit our website or contact us-

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