This week at Legacy Sport & Wellness is an exciting one!
This weekend we host one of our most popular Certification Courses – ELDOA Level 4: ELDOA Trainer Certification. We spent the past several weeks preparing to host this course and we look forward to seeing the new Practitioners who are traveling to Dallas to attend. If you’re not familiar with the ELDOA 4 Certification, this course is the most comprehensive review of the ELDOA program. Practitioners spend three long days immersed in lectures, training, testing and participation in workout sessions before they graduate Sunday afternoon. We have organized the calendar of events to support this weekend’s training so please check the schedule for workout times and additional workout sessions and events in which clients can participate. The Certification Course will be held in the small classroom so day to day business operations will not be affected.
If you are new to our community or our weekly Newsletter and have yet to participate in the Weekend Wellness Series, we invite you to do so. This Weekend Wellness Workout
Summer School schedule and Curriculum is set. It begins August 8 and runs through August 17. For course detail see the Education Section of the Newsletter. Enroll for Summer School.
Legacy News
May – June Calendar: Exercise & Training Information
Friday, May 24
8:30-11:00 Open Sauna
Saturday, May 25 9:00 am
Special ELDOA Classic Group Workout with ELDOA Level 4 Student Practitioners 75 Minutes
Use Your Group Class Card
Chef Corey Catered Breakfast 10:15 am
Fee $30.00
Sunday, May 26. 7:30 am
ELDOA Specific Group Workout. Use Your Class Card. Enroll on the website.
Chef Corey Catered Breakfast 8:30 am
Fee $30.00
The Sauna will be open.
June 1 9:00 am Group Physical Training Workout (Total Body)
9:30 am
ELDOA Classic Group Workout
June 8. 9:00 am Workout for Digestion
9:30 am ELDOA Classic Group Workout
June 15 NO Class
June 22 & 29 To Be Announced
Intro1 is the code to use for an introductory ELDOA workout at $25.00 for your first ELDOA group workout. This is for the first ELDOA per user. You can’t beat this offer!

In the month of June, Friday mornings, Claudia will be working with clients on ELDOA and/or their Home Programs. Sessions are organized into 30-minute blocks of time and begin at 9:30 am.
We recommend a client arrive 10-15 minutes early to warm-up before their session begins and Claudia will recommend 1 or 2 things to do upon completion of the TUTORIAL Session.
The purpose of this session is to improve upon exercise quality and training.
Sessions run every 30 minutes and can be scheduled directly with Claudia in the Business Office.
For an optimal outcome, clients do their program during the week, come for the 30-minute tutorial on Friday and then come to ELDOA Classic on Saturday morning.
Purchase the Series of three for $75.00 or one private session for $50.00
Wellness News
In this week’s Wellness News, Legacy Sport & Wellness highlights the key talking points from last weekend’s Myo-fascial Stretching (MFS) Tutorial and Group Workout Session, and Claudia writes about the benefits of Essential Oil formulas and how it is used with the athletes who train in our Center and clients with injuries or post-surgery issues.
MFS Tutorial talking points:
• what is fascia, and the roles fascia plays in the human body?
• what is a muscle?
• what is MFS and how is it different than other styles of stretching?
• how are muscular chains different than fascial chains?
• what is a lemniscate?
• when is the best time to use the MFS?
• the MFS compliments the ELDOA
• practical – how to organize a MFS; example – biceps femoris
The clients who attended this Tutorial improved the quality of their myo-fascial stretching, and have a deeper understanding of connective tissue and the roles that it plays in the body. Most importantly, people realize that to be well the muscle is less significant than the organization of the fascial chains in the human body, and to balance these chains MFS and ELDOA are important tools.

Essential Oils
The human olfactory system can detect over a trillion scents!
Plants release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with potential health benefits.
A diffuser can spread an essential oil freely throughout a room.
Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies and can respond to essential oils being rubbed into the skin.
With any essential oil formula, it is important to use a carrier oil to protect the skin from irritation.
One formula I have given to many clients is a formula for scarring. I have used it myself to mitigate scars from skin cancer surgery. Many of our athletes have requested this formula after surgery in the off-season. It has also been used on minor cuts or scraps from accidents.
When applying any formula, especially when made with medicinal grade oils, only a small amount is needed. The formula should be rubbed into the skin gently until it can no longer be seen on the skin. If it still feels oily, too much was used so use less next time you apply.
These photos show right after surgery and after many months of formula application. Essential oils have incredible healing power, but – with some things – results need to be waited for!

Immediately After Surgery

A Few Months Later

Sports Performance News
Jake Oettinger and the Dallas Stars play in their second straight Western Conference Finals. Game 1 is Thursday, May 23 at 7:30 pm on American Airlines Center ice. Opponent: either Canucks or Oilers.
It’s hard to believe, but the road to the Stanley Cup is only half way complete. Two more rounds of high intensity playoff hockey remain. Within our community, Jake is the only one that remains.
In other sporting news at our Performance Center, this time of year typically brings more high school and collegiate athletes and this year is no different. Young men and women that compete in different sports travel to the Center for customized programming or for the mini-camps that we offer. The SomaTraining and ELDOA exercises that we use with the professionals work just as well, if not better, on the younger athletes that we see.
Lifestyle & Recovery Center
Spring is here and our Dry Sauna is running exceptionally hot thanks to John Sandstrom and Rob Licht!
Throughout the Spring, look for select days when we offer the Cold Plunge option with Dry Sauna and Recovery.
In addition to the Sauna Education (Certification) Course in Summer School, we plan to offer the Sauna Certification Course for clients and Student Practitioners in early summer.
Topics of discussion include the importance of sweating, what is the optimal time for a single sauna session, what is the optimal temperature to use in a Dry Sauna, how to use cold water exposure by itself, or in combination with the dry sauna, and the importance of drinking water.
As part of the Course Theory, all the participants complete the Ruffier (Pulse) Test. This simple test can be used in different aspects of a Wellness or Sports Performance Program including the length of time in a Sauna Session and exposure to cold water.

the Training Table News
the Training Table is where Wellness and Sports Performance begin!
After class last Saturday, Mia met with people to discuss the benefits of broth, and the different types of broth that she makes. Broth sales in the past two weeks have doubled, and if you interested in regular broth delivery, contact Mia directly. Her contact information can be found in the flyer below.
This bone broth is dense with nutrients – nutrients for healing, nutrients for building your body, nutrients for recovery. You can drink your broth, add broth to your vegetables, mix your bone broth with rice…have your bone broth anyway you like, but everybody needs at least a cup of bone broth every day! It is available made to order from grass-fed, grass-finished bones, sourced locally.

the Training Table is an area we have dedicated within our Center where clients can set, relax, and enjoy farm fresh high quality meals from Chef Corey and Mia Fradenburg.
Legacy and Mia are making Kombucha!
Our first batch was started on Monday. Check back with us in 10 days to get a sample taste.
In our Newsletter, the Training Table is a section devoted to all topics related to nutrition, cooking, and wellbeing. In the coming months we will expand upon all these topics.
Water Bar News
Water is a big deal at Legacy. In fact, water is Nature’s First Medicine.
Buy water in bulk during the month of May. Prices will increase in June. Shipping costs have doubled. We are working on a solution. One idea is a Water Club for those who buy in bulk. We have several clients who take advantage of this service. Once details are fleshed out, we will invite you to participate.
Sixty cases of Vellamo were delivered last week. This water has a pH value of 8.3 for those who seek alkaline water. And the taste is delicious. An additional 80 cases of various Legacy waters arrived Thursday. Another Texas summer is close at hand: staying hydrated is easy with Legacy’s Water Bar.!
Education News
Change in SUMMER SCHOOL DATES: new AUGUST 8-9-10-11.
Block 1
Thursday August 8. Day 1 Strengthening of Lower Limb
Friday, Aug. 9 Lower Limb Day 2
Aug. 9 Sauna will be taught from 5:00 to 9:00 pm
Saturday, Aug. 10 Squat & Posturology: How to Organize a Global Movement Day 1
Sunday, Aug. 11 Squat Day 2
Block 2: August 12-13-14
Aug. 12 Strengthening of the Upper Limb Day 1
Aug. 13 Upper Limb Day 2
Aug. 14 ELDOA Specific (SomaTraining) Day 1
Aug. 15 ELDOA Specific Day 2
Aug.16 & 17 Strapping or Fascia Normalization of the Lower Limb depending upon interest
ELDOA Level 4 Dallas: May 24, 25 and 26
Enroll now and we will send the preparatory questions to you so you have time to work on the answers.
ELDOA Level 3 Dallas: Dates to be announced
If you are an Instructor Candidate looking to assist a course, contact Claudia in the Business Office to be put on the list.
We ask all ELDOA Practitioners – at any level -to visit the official ELDOA website – – to make sure your contact information is accurate.
Having your correct contact information is very important: so potential clients can find you and so you can receive important information from the Founder and Administrative Office in Dallas.
The way Legacy has our School set up in Dallas allows for Students to travel from all parts of the country for training and continuing education, while at the same time creating the opportunity to invest some of their personal time in their self-care using our Gym and Lifestyle-Recovery Center. We believe that this one-two combination can’t be beaten and we invite you to enroll in a course with us in 2024.
Client Education News
In April, Education Workshops for clients include a breathing tutorial, a pelvic floor tutorial, and a sauna training workshop in our “learn by doing” format.
Coming Soon: The Professional Development Series:
Enrollment is open. Contact Claudia in the Business Office for pertinent information.
Phase 1 – at home reading assignments and study questions
Phase 2 – live on-line discussions and lectures – coming soon.
Phase 3 – in-person workshops and advanced training – begins in Summer School 2024.
For more Education News, look for future posts, blogs, tutorials, and video lessons produced by Legacy Sport & Wellness and hosted at our facility in Dallas via Legacy Media – Instagram,
If you missed any Legacy Newsletters, they are posted on Legacy’s website under the tab ‘Legacy News’.