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the Training Table @ Legacy Sport & Wellness Center-

By July 6, 2013December 9th, 2014Legacy Sport & Wellness Blog

The “Training Table” is the name of the store at Legacy Sport & Wellness Center in Dallas.

We actually took a kitchen and remodeled it into a “functional store-model” that we use to take clients and educate them about how to organize an area at home or work in such a way that is supports their nutritional needs. There is no better way to learn than to “learn by doing” and we call this “functional wellness coaching” as most people are visual and learn by doing. As you walk in the Training Table at Legacy a two-sided sign above entryway reads, ” Where Wellness Begins/Where Performance Begins” as both Wellness Clients and athletes spend amble amounts of time here providing for their bodies in an effort to maximize their physiology.

Recently we spent half the day re-organizing the Training Table in an effort to better serve the clients who utilize it, but for those who don’t live close to the Center or have yet to visit, Legacy created a blog/post dedicated just to Food and lifestyle tips… we call it Training Table News. Look for future posts or visit the facebook page for the Training Table at the bottom of the homepage of the website-

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