If you are a regular follower of the Legacy Sport & Wellness Center and the information that we share you may have read a few select blog-posts from Legacy’s SomaPractitioner Blog.
A SomaPractitioner is either a SomaTrainer, SomaTherapist or Osteopath who enjoys the study of the human body, movement and wellness, or follows the work of Guy VOYER DO.
With the upcoming ELDOA- Dallas 1 & 2 Intensive seminar scheduled for Nov. 20-24 in Dallas, the Legacy Center is committed to sharing our clinical experiences and case histories and will do so in a more technical format, which can be found in the SomaPractitioner blog-posts.
The link to the most recent SomaTrainer- L.A. Course: Global Postural Stretching and Sauna- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201658800484298&set=np.79750127.1364174674&type=1&theater¬if_t=photo_tag