July 29 – 9:00 to 9;30 am Fee $25.00
Strengthening Glutes & ABS
9:30 am ELDOA Wellness Workout
Both are in person and on-line.
Click Here to Register
August 5 – 8-9:00 am MFS Wellness Workout
Fee $45.00
August 6 – 7:30 am ELDOA Workout


Client Education: If you enjoyed the exercise Tutorials this past Spring, you can expect to see more of those, live, in-person and newly recorded and posted in the Legacy eShop.
Athlete Education: If you are a professional athlete, team or organization, or an amateur athlete, you can anticipate live programming and educational Tutorials specific to Human Performance, Return to Play and Recovery/Self-Care.
Student Education: If you have been Certified at any ELDOA Level 1-4, please check eldoavoyer.com for your name and contact information. If you are not listed or need to correct your contact information, please notify us at legacyperformwell@gmail.com
We are in transition from one admin entity to another and it has been a complicated process.
COLD BATH – New Addition has arrived
Our plan is to have available for use by Summer School
DRY SAUNA – August 4 from 5-9:30 pm, Scott will be Teaching a Sauna Certification Course
Course is at capacity. If you missed this one, watch for our next Sauna Tutorial.


Legacy has started planning for SUMMER SCHOOL, July29 through August 6.
We invite our local clientele to become students!
Check the email for schedule changes that week.
INSTAGRAM. Somatraintexasinstitute has been hacked. We are still working to rectify this. In the meantime, don’t be fooled or drawn into this scam…we apologize. Grrrr – so annoying. You can find us at @LegacyELDOA.
For Sports Followers, both Solomon Thomas and John Franklin Myers started Football Training Camp with the NY Jets this past week.
Water by the case is on sale (the old price) through Summer School, August 6th.