July Exercise Calendar

July 22 – 9:30 am ELDOA Wellness Workout
Sorry – NO ON-LINE
July 29 – 9:30 am ELDOA Group Workout
On-line class to be determined; we will notify.
Client Education: If you enjoyed the exercise Tutorials this past Spring, you can expect to see more of those, live, in-person and newly recorded and posted in the Legacy eShop.
Athlete Education If you are a professional athlete, team or organization, or an amateur athlete, you can anticipate live programming and educational Tutorials specific to human performance, return to plan and recovery.
Student Education: If you have been Certified at any ELDOA Level 1-4, please check eldoavoyer.com for your name and contact information.
If you are not listed or need to correct your contact information, please notify us at legacyperformwell@gmail.com. We are in transition from one admin entity to another and it has been a complicated process.


COLD BATH – New Addition has arrived
Our plan is to have available for use by Summer School
DRY SAUNA – August 4 from 5-9:30 pm, Scott will be Teaching a Sauna Certification Course
Only ONE spot left…so enroll to join.
Some classroom lecture and then a supervised Sauna training.
Link: https://legacyperformwell.com/shop/somatraining-★-texas/practical-sauna-august/
Legacy has started planning for SUMMER SCHOOL, July29 through August 6.
We invite our local clientele to become students!
Link: https://legacyperformwell.com/shop/product-category/summer-school/
INSTAGRAM. Somatraintexasinstitute has been hacked.
We are still working to rectify this. In the meantime, don’t be fooled or drawn into this scam…we apologize. Grrrr – so annoying.
On a happier note…
Scott has a birthday coming up: July 20th so shout out if you are so inclined. We will have CAKE on the 22nd after ELDOA!