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60-Second Anatomy Tip: Fascia, Nervous Tissue, and ELDOA

By September 6, 2013December 9th, 2014Legacy Sport & Wellness Blog

Brain and neurology are popular topics of discussion these days with some debate on “who’s the big boss and how things really work in the body.”

“The nervous system is  fundamentally used for reception, storage and release or information. It is a very complicated system, a number of structures and organs being specialized for different purposes. We may, for instance, talk of sensory systems that put us in contact with either the external or the internal environment. By such means, information is received and stored in higher nervous centers, to be used for different purposes.”

Why is this statement pertinent to fascia and the ELDOA?

Because one of the many roles of the fascia is a neuro-physiological role. This, the descript anatomy and the many other roles of the fascia in the human body are discussed in the theory-lecture of the ELDOA 1-2 Intensive seminar scheduled for Nov. 20-24 in Dallas and hosted by Legacy Sport & Wellness Center.

For more information on the seminar and other Legacy Center programming visit the homepage:


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