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By September 7, 2011December 9th, 2014Claudia's Corner

…AND TELL SOMEONE YOU LOVE THEM, because life is short.

Life might be likened to a spider’s web: intricate, delicate, beautiful, strong, complex, whimsical…
…able to be destroyed by the flick of the wrist.
We get so caught up in our daily routines we often forget that our time here is not a given, to paraphrase Alicia Keys. There are no guarantees. What we do have is this moment in time. What we do with it has the potential to be so meaningful, so loving, so compassionate, so REAL…
…or so ugly, hurtful, mean-spirited.
If what you said right now was going to be the last words you uttered, what would you want them to be? If what you experienced with the person in front of you was going to be the last thing they experienced, what would you want that to be?
“Every day here is a gift”.
Rest in peace, Karlis.ārlis_Skrastiņš