What is ELDOA?
Legacy Sport & Wellness Center has been teaching the ELDOA™ postures and using them with our clients for over a decade! And not just for back pain clients either. We use the ELDOA with our Pro Pre- and Post-Season Camps, in our General ELDOA Wellness classes on Saturdays, as re-organization after a training session…with every type of sport and wellness client.
Definition: The ELDOA™ are postural exercises (LOADS) that you can do yourself with the primary goal being to increase the space within a chosen articulation. As the ELDOA “create” space, there is an improvement in joint mechanics, increased blood flow, reduced pressure on the discs, a reduction of pain, spinal disc rehydration, better muscle tone, improved posture, and a sense of well being and awareness.
The human spine is a complicated and vital structure. Compression and articular blocks can cause pain, arthritis and neurological conditions. The ELDOA postures are a highly effective solution to these conditions. The ELDOA are very precise postures that target a specific joint region to provide relief from pain and restore balance.
Designed by French osteopath Guy VOYER DO, the ELDOA (Etirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptition Osteo-Articulaire) utilize myofascial stretching to put tension around a primary lesion making it the center of “separating forces.” The myofascial tension solicits a postural normalization in a specific joint resulting in numerous benefits.
LOADS (Longitudinal Osteo-articular Decoaptation Stretches – the English acronym) are postural self-normalizing techniques, which aim at widening the space within a pair of joints. It is possible in one minute a day to relieve disc compression between L5-S1 or even more specifically at the base of the long arm of the left sacroiliac joint.