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Weekend Edition 7/12/2024

By July 12, 2024July 15th, 2024Legacy News

July Legacy Calendar: Exercise & Training Information

July 13: 9:00 am Flo Session

9:30-10:30 am ELDOA Classic Group Workout

1:00-3:00 Client Sauna Tutorial

July 20: 9:30 am ELDOA Classic Group Workout

July 27: Wellness Workout To Be Announced

August 3: To be Announced

August 10: No Workout Class


Intro1 is the code to use for an introductory ELDOA workout at $25.00 for your first ELDOA group workout. This is for the first ELDOA per user. You can’t beat this offer!


Register for Class

Guy VOYER, MD, DO – Founder of the ELDOA, SomaTraining, SomaTherapy, and Osteopathic Programs

The Saturday Exercise Tribute to Guy VOYER, DO was a wonderful success…a full house at Legacy and so many Student Practitioners, clients and patients who joined in on-line. It felt good to be in this community with a group paying their respects to a man who was both teacher and mentor to so many.

The photo above is Guy demonstrating a VOYER Push-up, part of the push-up matrix Scott taught on Saturday

Wellness News

This weekend’s Wellness Workout Series is a combination of two of our most popular group workouts: a 30-minute FLO at 9:00 am followed by a 60-minute ELDOA Classic Group workout at 9:30 am.

A FLO Session is a 30-minute rhythmic, fluid movement session that targets specific regions of the body linking them together to improve function.

The community feedback from this past Saturday’s SomaTraining Tribute Workout has been very positive, so much so, that at least once a month, Scott will teach a similar type of session in person and on-line. Follow our Newsletter for scheduling information and join us at legacyeldoa, our Instagram account.

Saturday at 1:00 pm, Legacy is hosting our two-hour Client Sauna Tutorial. Enroll, and learn how to maximize your Sauna Experience.

Cardiac Center News

If you are new to our community, or have not visited our Center in Dallas, we have an area in our gym dedicated to Cardiovascular Health and Training. Clients use the area for a proper warm-up to their private sessions and group workouts. On the white board in the Cardiac Center there are several different workouts clients can choose to do. Each workout targets a different part of the cardiovascular system. The Cardiac Center is used for aerobic training programs and testing, too.

Sports Performance News

What does a Pre-Season Training Camp entail at Legacy Sport & Wellness?

After completing mandatory OTAs, in June NFL Players typically have one month until July Training Camp begins. This month is critical for players; however, it’s not uncommon for players for overtrain and sustain minor injuries leading into Training Camp. For this reason, Scott organized a pre-season training Camp to guide players through this month and have them peaking as they enter camps with their teams. In addition to specific exercises and homework, players at Legacy’s camp fine tune their lifestyle routines and nutrition.

Chef Corey meals and Mia’s Bone Broth are weekly staples while at Legacy.

In other sports news, another Golden State Warrior makes his way to Dallas!

Legacy Sport & Wellness has a history with the Golden State Warriors. Harrison Barnes was a Warrior before he was traded to the Mavericks. Harrison was a regular at our Center during his tenure in Dallas, and Warriors head coach, Steve Kerr, traveled to Dallas for a three-day intensive at Legacy with his trainers Justin Brien and Rex Butler.

Last week, Klay Thompson signed a three-year deal to plan with the Dallas Mavericks. Klay worked with the SomaTraining team of Guy VOYER, DO, Rex Butler, and Justin Brien while playing for Golden State..

July Sports Tip: Triple Digit Weather in Texas

Upon completion of your summer activities or games, allow time for several specific Myo-fascial Stretches (MFS). MFS following a workout is optimal because your body is warm and you want to normalize your tissue from the work session. If your time is limited after a workout, then do your stretches at night – TV Stretch/ELDOA. Then hydrate!

Lifestyle & Recovery Center

The Client Sauna Tutorial is scheduled from 1:00 to 3:00 pm on Saturday, July 13.

Discussion Topics Include: What is the optimal temperature, how long is a sauna session, do I sauna on the day that I play sports, how much water do I drink in and after a sauna session, and do I use cold water immersion with a dry sauna session…these are are topics of discussion in the Client Sauna Tutorial July 13. This Tutorial is taught in the Sauna with Scott. We encourage everyone with a Sauna Card to complete this Tutorial. The knowledge gained during this time in the Sauna creates a better Sauna experience.

Contact Claudia to enroll.

Legacy’s four-hour Sauna Certification Course (SomaTraining Program) is offered in Summer School. To enroll, go to eShop on the Legacy website. This is scheduled for August 9 from 5:00 to 9:00 pm and August 14 from 5:00 to 9:00 pm.

Topics of discussion include the importance of sweating, what is the optimal time for a single sauna session, what is the optimal temperature to use in a Dry Sauna, how to use cold water exposure by itself, or in combination with the dry sauna, and the importance of drinking water.

As part of the Course Theory, all the participants complete the Ruffier (Pulse) Test. This simple test can be used in different aspects of a Wellness or Sports Performance Program including the length of time in a Sauna Session and exposure to cold water.

the Training Table News

the Training Table is where Wellness and Sports Performance begin!

the Training Table is an area within our Center we have dedicated where clients can sit, relax, and enjoy farm fresh high quality meals from Chef Corey and Mia Fradenburg.

In our Newsletter, the Training Table is a section devoted to all topics related to nutrition, cooking, and wellbeing. In the coming months we will expand upon all these topics.

The Legacy Butcher Box – Mia Fradenburg

Big news, we will finally be getting the whole cow early next week! Our freezer will be stocked up, so go ahead and get your pre-orders in. To put all this beef to good use, I am hoping to release a new recipe on the website once a month and will also share it here on the newsletter. The first recipe is for Turkish Adana Kebabs, a really fun way of utilizing ground beef and incorporating unique spices. Many spices have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, while some have even been associated with lowering glucose and cholesterol. I hope you enjoy the recipe!

Reach out if interested in ordering a Butcher Box or special cuts:

Water Bar News

Water is a big deal at Legacy. In fact, water is Nature’s First Medicine. One hundred cases of water were delivered this week.

Buy water in bulk at the old pricing until July 15. Prices will increase due to shipping costs doubling. We are working on a solution. One idea is a Water Club for those who buy in bulk. We have several clients who take advantage of this service. Once details are fleshed out, we will invite you to participate.

Another Texas summer is close at hand: staying hydrated is easy with Legacy’s Water Bar.!

Education News & Client Education

ELDOA 1&2 Combination Comprehensive Certification Course: July 18-21 in Dallas
Instructor: Scott Herrera
July 19 6:30 pm Introduction to MFS Workshop
July 20. 6:30 pm Introduction to SomaTraining Workshop


NEW: Introduction to Pelviology is coming to Legacy


Summer School at SomaTraining Texas is organized into two blocks of education.The focus of Block 1 is Exercise and Training. The focus of Block 2 is Strapping and Therapy. Additional Workshops and live lectures from Summer School are being considered based upon demand.

In addition to Fascial Normalization, Pumping of the Pelvis and Truck has been requested. Enrollment for Summer School as at:

Summer School 2024


Block 1: August 8-11

Thursday August 8. Day 1 Strengthening of Lower Limb

Friday, Aug. 9 Lower Limb Day 2

Aug. 9 Sauna will be taught from 5:00 to 9:00 pm

Saturday, Aug. 10 9:00 to 11:30 am Workshop: Introduction to Pelviology

Saturday, Aug. 10 Squat & Posturology: How to Organize a Global Movement Day 1

Sunday, Aug. 11 Squat Day 2


Block 2: August 12-17

Aug. 12 Strengthening of the Upper Limb. Day 1

Aug. 12 6:30 pm Tentative Workshop

Aug. 13 Upper Limb. Day 2

Aug. 14 ELDOA Specific (SomaTraining) Day 1

Aug. 14 6:30 pm. Sauna Certification Course 5:00 to 9:00 pm

Aug. 15 ELDOA Specific Day 2

and Workshop ELDOA 4 Review & Introduction to Pelviology

Aug.16 & 17 Fascia Normalization of the Lower Limb

Aug. 16 6-8:00 pm Workshop Volumetric-Hand Refinement of Fascia Theory


Great news for 2024-2025: Pelviology Certification Courses will be taught in Dallas at Legacy! Details will follow in next week’s Newsletters.

We ask all ELDOA Practitioners – at any level -to visit the official ELDOA website – – to make sure your contact information is accurate.

Your correct contact information is very important: so potential clients can find you and so you can receive important information from the Founder and Administrative Office in Dallas.

Check Your Status

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