Year 1

Segmental Strengthening of the Abs & Thoracic Diaphragm


Segmental Strengthening of the Lower Limbs

Pre Course Prep Questions
  1. What are the insertions of the rectus femoris?
  2. What are the insertions of the semi-membranosis?
  3. Briefly compare  the anatomy of the gastrocnemius muscle.
  4. Describe the parts of the Deltoid of Farabeuf and their differing actions.

Segmental Strengthening of the Upper Limbs & Trunk

Pre Course Prep Questions
  1. Discuss the anatomy of the biceps brachii long head and short head.
  2. Discuss the anatomy of the triceps and anconeus.
  3. Name the muscles that comprise the anatomical rotator cuff.
  4. Discuss the attachments of the deltoid muscle.
  5. Name the interscapular muscles and discuss the anatomical attachments.
  6. What are the attachments of the pectoralis major muscle.
  7. Discuss the functions of the pec minor muscle.
  8. Compare and discuss the different attachments of the transversospinali muscle in the following spine regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar.

Global Movement: The Squat, Posturology, and Gravity Line


Circulatory & Respiratory Techniques


Year 2

General ELDOA

Pre Course Preparatory Questions
  1. What does ELDOA Stand for?
  2. What is Junghan’s functional unit?
  3. Define center of gravity?
  4. Define the three states of equilibrium.
  5. How is the intervertebral disc nourished?
Post Course Questions
  1. Why did Guy VOYER, DO develop the ELDOA?
  2. What are the KABAT techniques?
  3. What are the local effects of the ELDOA?
  4. What are the general effects of the ELDOA?
  5. Are the concentric layers of the annulus fibrosus even?
  6. What is the significance of the obliquity of the fibers of the annulus fibrosus?

Myofascial Stretching

Pre Course Preparatory Questions
  1. Discuss the anatomical relations of the ilio-psoas muscle. (7-10 lines)
  2. Discuss the differing actions between the psoas and the iliacus muscles. (3-4 lines)
  3. Discuss the relevant anatomy of the quadriceps – 5 muscles. (5-8 lines)
  4. Trace the anatomy and basi biomechanics of the diaphragm as relates to the musculo-skeletal system. (6-10 lines)
  5. Briefly compare the anatomy of the gastrocnemius muscles to the soleus muscle. (2 lines)
Post Course Questions
  1. Discuss the visceral and organic anatomical reltionships of the thoracic diaphragm briefly.
  2. List the anatomical relationships of the hamstring muscles. (5-7 lines)
  3. Describe the parts of the Deltoid of Farabeuf and their differing actions. (3-4 lines)
  4. List the anatomical relationships of the pectoralis minor and major muscles. (5-7 lines)

Specific Proprioception & Awareness


Specific ELDOA™


Periodization & Cinesiology


Year 3

Cardiorespiratory Training & Physical Conditioning + Sauna


Global Postural Stretching (GPS)


Strapping for Sports Pathologies


Normalization & Segmental Strengthening of the Transversus Abdominis (TVA) with Practical & Clinical Application


Graduation & Champagne!