Year 1
Segmental Strengthening of the Abs & Thoracic Diaphragm
Segmental Strengthening of the Lower Limbs
Pre Course Prep Questions
- What are the insertions of the rectus femoris?
- What are the insertions of the semi-membranosis?
- Briefly compare the anatomy of the gastrocnemius muscle.
- Describe the parts of the Deltoid of Farabeuf and their differing actions.
Segmental Strengthening of the Upper Limbs & Trunk
Pre Course Prep Questions
- Discuss the anatomy of the biceps brachii long head and short head.
- Discuss the anatomy of the triceps and anconeus.
- Name the muscles that comprise the anatomical rotator cuff.
- Discuss the attachments of the deltoid muscle.
- Name the interscapular muscles and discuss the anatomical attachments.
- What are the attachments of the pectoralis major muscle.
- Discuss the functions of the pec minor muscle.
- Compare and discuss the different attachments of the transversospinali muscle in the following spine regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar.
Global Movement: The Squat, Posturology, and Gravity Line
Circulatory & Respiratory Techniques
Year 2
General ELDOA
Pre Course Preparatory Questions
- What does ELDOA Stand for?
- What is Junghan’s functional unit?
- Define center of gravity?
- Define the three states of equilibrium.
- How is the intervertebral disc nourished?
Post Course Questions
- Why did Guy VOYER, DO develop the ELDOA?
- What are the KABAT techniques?
- What are the local effects of the ELDOA?
- What are the general effects of the ELDOA?
- Are the concentric layers of the annulus fibrosus even?
- What is the significance of the obliquity of the fibers of the annulus fibrosus?
Myofascial Stretching
Pre Course Preparatory Questions
- Discuss the anatomical relations of the ilio-psoas muscle. (7-10 lines)
- Discuss the differing actions between the psoas and the iliacus muscles. (3-4 lines)
- Discuss the relevant anatomy of the quadriceps – 5 muscles. (5-8 lines)
- Trace the anatomy and basi biomechanics of the diaphragm as relates to the musculo-skeletal system. (6-10 lines)
- Briefly compare the anatomy of the gastrocnemius muscles to the soleus muscle. (2 lines)
Post Course Questions
- Discuss the visceral and organic anatomical reltionships of the thoracic diaphragm briefly.
- List the anatomical relationships of the hamstring muscles. (5-7 lines)
- Describe the parts of the Deltoid of Farabeuf and their differing actions. (3-4 lines)
- List the anatomical relationships of the pectoralis minor and major muscles. (5-7 lines)
Specific Proprioception & Awareness
Specific ELDOA™
Periodization & Cinesiology
Year 3
Cardiorespiratory Training & Physical Conditioning + Sauna
Global Postural Stretching (GPS)
Strapping for Sports Pathologies
Normalization & Segmental Strengthening of the Transversus Abdominis (TVA) with Practical & Clinical Application
Graduation & Champagne!