There are two types or families of exercise:  Global Training and Segmental Training.

An example of global training is a classic squat.  An example of segmental training is the ELDOA™ for L5-S1.

There is another level for both types of exercise.  We call that Analytical or Qualitative Global Training and Analytical or Qualitative Segmental Training.

An example of an analytical global exercise is the squat with many Factors of Progression.  An example of an analytical segmental muscle-building exercise is reinforcement of the gluteus medius, distal fibers.

In all of our programming – REGEN, performance, rehabilitation, pre-season camps and wellness – Legacy puts an emphasis on this type of training system.

Metabolic Training  is a combination of both analytical and global exercises in an up-beat tempo training environment.  Work output is high.  Rest and recovery is minimal to create the desired metabolic effect:   loss of body fat • improved resting heart rate • improved cardiac output • improved metabolism.

Legacy designs personal programs combining all types of training based upon the goals of a client and the health of that person.

People are concerned about continuing to exercise when injured.  There are injuries that require a certain rest time frame.  If working with a trainer who understands the anatomy biomechanics of the body, one should be able to exercise safely with an injury.

Our trainers are schooled in all aspects of body training and General Conditioning:

Proprioception and Awareness

• Muscle Strengthening: Analytical Training of the Upper Limb, Lower Limb, Trunk, and Abdominals

Cardiovascular, Squat, General Postural Stretching (GPS), Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

Myofascial Stretching (MFS)


Everyone benefits from a General Conditioning Program.  The number of repetitions and sets may vary based upon the level of conditioning, injury, or age of the client, but everyone improves the gravity line and their sense of balance…increases muscle strength for daily activities and pelvic stability…creates flexibility…and contributes to spinal health.

Scott Herrera has spent more than 20 years traveling throughout North America to study from the highest regarded experts in the fields of strength and conditioning, corrective exercise, and osteopathy.  As a result of this intensive study he developed his innovative approach to sports performance training, performance rehabilitation, and exercise instruction.  This innovative approach is what Legacy was built upon…a better way, better results.

Scott and Claudia Zelazny are Certified ELDOA™ Trainers and Instructors in the Six-Level ELDOA™ Program, as well as Graduates of the three-year SomaTraining Program..