Course Description: ELDOA for the pelvis: The Sacroiliac joint and the pubic symphysis
The first part of the seminar consists of:
• To answer any biomechanical or techno-methodology questions related to the ELDOA classes in levels 1, 2 and 3, • To teach the relational anatomy of the pelvis, its container and its content,
• To explain the tensegrity biomechanics of the pelvis in relation to the rest of the spine,
• To describe the analytical biomechanics of the 22 main axes of the pelvis,
• To analyze the diagnostic tests of the 22 axes of mobility of the pelvis.
The second part of the seminar covers mastery of diagnostic testing and mastery of specific ELDOA of all parts of the sacroiliac joint, sacrum, sacrococcygeal joint and symphysis pubis.
Prerequisite: Students must have completed ELDOA 1, 2 and 3 or have completed the SomaTraining program and be a graduated SomaTrainer.
For those who have not met these prerequisites, you may attend the course, but you will not be certified until you have completed Levels 1, 2 and 3 or completed the SomaTraining program.
At the end of this course, there is an exam covering the theoretical and practical parts of ELDOA 1,2 and 3. Upon successful completion of this exam, you will graduate as an ELDOA Trainer.
At the end of this course, those who want to teach ELDOA levels 1,2 and 3, can be certified by following the certification protocol supervised by Guy VOYER DO and Scott Herrera.