Legacy Sport & Wellness Club News
September 2 9:00 to 9:30 am
Exercises for the Hip and Pelvis
9:30 to 10;30 am
ELDOA Wellness Workout
If you missed or were too late to join last Saturday’s 9:00 class due to Toll Road closure, come this Saturday as Legacy’s guest.
September’s calendar will announced next week.
Legacy News
Student Practitioners: We are organizing the Fall Calendar. Tentative list of courses include ELDOA 3 (mid- October), Strapping, ELDOA 4, Winter School Intensive and
Client Education: Exercise tutorials will return this Fall. The two-hour Sauna Tutorial will be scheduled for a date in September. This tutorial now includes Cold Exposure and how to integrate it safely into your wellness or sports training.
And new to the weekly newsletter, Anatomy Lesson. See below
Lifestyle & Recovery Center
The Recovery Center has two new services: FLASH Sauna and Cold Exposure.
A Flash Sauna is typically one round in the Sauna following an exercise session. The effects of a Flash Sauna are not the same as 3 rounds of Classic Sauna. To learn more, enroll in Legacy’s Sauna Training Workshop
You can add either of these features to your sauna card when you schedule a session at the Lifestyle & Recovery Center.
Guided and private Sauna Sessions are available through Claudia in the Business Office.
The Water Bar is restocked and new Mineral Waters include St. Geron, a naturally carbonated water from France.
Other Legacy News
Last week and this week conclude a busy month of out of town Intensives: clients who travel to the Center for education, training, and program design.
This Intensive format produces some of the best results when it comes to your personal goals and we invite local clients to take advantage of this service.
To learn more about how to schedule a half or full day Intensive, contact Claudia in the Business Office.
Sports News
August has been a successful month for a number of the athletes who traveled to Legacy Sport & Wellness for training and exercise programming.
Lagi Tausaga is the first American woman to win Gold in the Discus.
Lagi and her coach, John Dagata, came to Dallas to work with Scott back in January. Lagi makes USA Track and Field History, winning the gold in the women’s discus in the World Championships – the first American to do so.
To watch the finals of the event and Lagi’s interview, click the link below.
In professional football, Solomon Thomas and John Franklin Myers wrapped up Summer Training Camp with the NY Jets.
They are two key pieces on one of the best defensive lines in Professional Football this season and have been featured on the HBO Series Hard Knocks.
New Anatomy Lesson
Your Body: How it Works
Beginning in September, as part of Legacy’s Education Pillar, select Newsletters will feature an anatomy image and several talking points about the structure and the role it plays in your body. See if you can figure out the structure below… we call it the octopus.