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David Gentile, ELDOA™ Trainer

Claudia, I just wanted to follow up and say thank you so, so much for the abundance of hospitality and care you showed to everyone this past weekend at ELDOA 3. Your presence allows for an environment that is mentally challenging and invigorating, but at the same time still very nurturing. I enjoyed spending time with both you and Scott during training and after hours. ELDOA 3 was probably the best certification I have gone to for a few key reasons. I felt beyond comfortable in the environment that you provided, and I was definitely able to get my creative juices flowing because of that. Also the information was communicated at a high level, but in a way that can be understood by someone who is truly seeking to learn. And lastly, the organization of the materials and the slides were fantastic. Everything was clean and clear and nothing was missing. I was truly impressed with ELDOA 3 and I can’t wait to take any other courses that Legacy may be offering.
